Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pickled Banana Peppers Canning Recipe

Learn how to make the best canned pickled banana peppers.  This is an easy canning recipe, evening for beginners.  It's safe to can in a water bath canner, so you don't need a pressure canner to make them.  This is a delicious way to preserve peppers for the winter.

Water Bath Canning Banana Peppers

Home canned pickled banana peppers have a tangy, slightly sweet flavor profile can be used a myriad of dishes, from sandwiches to salads and even cocktails. 

Whether you enjoy them as a zesty snack straight from the jar or as a vibrant garnish, pickled banana peppers bring a delightful crunch and burst of flavor to your table. 

Versatile and adaptable, these pickled delights can be tailored to suit a variety of palates, making them a staple in any well-stocked pantry.

For more canning recipes, check out these posts:

Keep track of your canning recipes, inventory, and more with my printable canning journal.  Print as many pages as you need to create a 3 ring binder to reference year after year.

Ingredients for Canned Pickled Banana Peppers

Banana Peppers.  Choosing the right banana peppers is crucial for a superior pickling outcome. Look for firm, brightly colored peppers with smooth skin and no signs of blemishes or soft spots. Freshness is key; the fresher the peppers, the crisper they will remain after pickling.

VinegarWhite vinegar is a classic choice for its neutral flavor and clear color, while apple cider vinegar adds a subtle sweetness and complexity.  Learn how to make apple cider vinegar with the mother.

Spices.  You'll also need salt, sugar, mustard seeds, whole black peppercorns, and coriander seeds.  The spices and seasonings you choose will define the character of your pickled banana peppers. Common options include mustard seeds, coriander seeds, dill, and peppercorns. Bay leaves and cloves can add depth and warmth, while a touch of sugar balances the acidity.

Optional Add-Ins: Garlic, Onions, and Herbs

Enhance your pickled banana peppers with flavorful add-ins. Sliced garlic and onions infuse the brine with robust, savory notes, while fresh herbs like dill, thyme, or oregano add aromatic freshness. Adjust these additions based on your personal taste preferences.

Canned Pickled Banana Peppers Variations

Try one of the following to customize your pickled banana peppers recipe:

  • To make sweet pickled banana peppers, increase the amount of sugar in the brine. This variation pairs well with spicy dishes and adds a delightful contrast to savory meals.
  • For those who love a kick, add sliced hot peppers or chili flakes to the jars. The heat from these additions infuses into the brine, creating a spicy version that’s perfect for adding zest to your meals.
  • Infuse your pickled banana peppers with fresh herbs like dill, thyme, or rosemary for an aromatic twist. These herbs add depth and complexity to the brine, resulting in a sophisticated and flavorful pickle.

Preparing the Banana Peppers 

Here are some tips for preparing the banana peppers for the best pickled banana peppers.

Washing and Cleaning Peppers Properly

Thoroughly wash and clean your peppers to remove any dirt, pesticides, or residue. Rinse under cold running water and pat dry with a clean towel. This step is crucial to prevent any contaminants from spoiling your pickled peppers.

Slicing Techniques: Rings, Strips, or Whole

Decide how you want to slice your peppers based on their intended use. Rings are perfect for garnishes and sandwiches, strips work well for salads and wraps, and whole peppers can be an impressive addition to antipasto platters. Each slicing technique offers a different texture and presentation.

Removing Seeds: When and Why to Do It

Removing the seeds is optional and depends on your preference for heat and texture. Seeds can add a slight bitterness and extra heat to the pickles. If you prefer a milder flavor, slice the peppers lengthwise and scrape out the seeds with a spoon before slicing them.

Making the Pickling Brine

Basic Brine Recipe: Vinegar, Water, and Salt

A basic pickling brine consists of vinegar and water, with salt to taste.This simple mixture forms the foundation for preserving your peppers and can be customized with additional spices and seasonings.

Adjusting the Flavor: Adding Sugar and Spices

Balance the brine's acidity with a touch of sugar. Start with one teaspoon per cup of liquid and adjust to taste. Add spices such as mustard seeds, coriander seeds, dill seeds, and peppercorns to infuse the brine with aromatic flavors. Experiment with combinations to find your perfect blend.

Tips for Boiling and Blending the Brine

Bring the brine to a rolling boil to dissolve the salt and sugar completely. Boiling also helps extract the flavors from the spices. Once boiled, allow the brine to cool slightly before pouring it over the peppers. This step ensures even flavor distribution and helps maintain the peppers' crispness.

Filling the Jars

Layering Peppers and Spices: Techniques for Best Flavor

Layer the sliced peppers and spices in the sterilized jars, alternating to ensure even distribution of flavors. This technique allows the brine to permeate all the ingredients, resulting in a well-balanced and flavorful product.

Pouring the Brine: Ensuring Even Distribution

Slowly pour the hot brine over the peppers, ensuring all ingredients are submerged. Use a non-metallic utensil to remove any air bubbles trapped between the peppers. This step is crucial for proper preservation and preventing spoilage.

Leaving Headspace: Why It’s Important

Leave about half an inch of headspace between the brine and the rim of the jar. This space allows for expansion during the canning process and creates a vacuum seal when cooled, ensuring the longevity and safety of your canned pickled banana peppers.

Choosing the Right Canning Method: Water Bath vs. Pressure Canning

For high-acid foods like this pickled banana peppers canning recipe, water bath canning is the preferred method. 

It’s simpler and requires less specialized equipment than pressure canning. However, both methods ensure a safe, sealed product when done correctly.

Step-by-Step Guide to Water Bath Canning

Fill a large pot with enough water to cover the jars by at least an inch. Bring to a boil. Carefully lower the filled jars into the boiling water using a jar lifter. 

Process for the recommended time. Remove the jars and place them on a towel to cool. Listen for the satisfying “pop” of the lids sealing.

Ensuring Proper Seals: Checking and Testing

Once cooled, check the seals by pressing down on the center of each lid. If it doesn’t flex or make a popping sound, the jar is sealed properly. For added assurance, remove the rings and gently lift the jar by the lid. A properly sealed lid will stay in place.

Your canned pickled banana peppers may not seal right away, so always let them sit overnight or until completely cooled to test the seals.  Pressing the lid before it's ready can 

Cooling Jars: Avoiding Thermal Shock

Allow the processed jars to cool undisturbed for 12-24 hours. Avoid placing them on cold surfaces or in drafts, as sudden temperature changes can cause the jars to crack or the seals to fail.

Storing in a Cool, Dark Place

Store sealed jars in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry or cellar. Exposure to light and heat can degrade the quality of the pickles over time. Proper storage ensures your pickled banana peppers remain crisp and flavorful for up to a year.

Shelf Life and Best Practices for Storage

Properly canned pickled banana peppers can last up to a year in storage. Always label your jars with the date of canning. Check periodically for any signs of spoilage, such as bulging lids or off smells, and discard any compromised jars.

How to Use Canned Pickled Banana Peppers

Here are some ideas for using your peppers:

  • Add them to salads for a tangy crunch, layer them in sandwiches for extra flavor, or incorporate them into antipasto platters for a zesty bite.
  • Pickled banana peppers complement a wide range of meats and cheeses. They add a tangy contrast to rich, fatty meats and enhance the flavors of both mild and sharp cheeses. Try them in charcuterie boards or as a topping for burgers and hot dogs.
  • Use pickled banana peppers as a unique garnish for cocktails. They add a spicy, tangy element to drinks like Bloody Marys, martinis, and even margaritas. Their vibrant color and bold flavor make them a standout addition to any beverage.

Tips and Troubleshooting

  • If a jar doesn’t seal, refrigerate it immediately and use it within a few weeks. To avoid this issue, ensure you follow proper canning procedures, including using new lids and checking for any damage to the jars and seals.  Learn more about canning jars not sealing and how to fix it.
  • Cloudy brine can be caused by using table salt with anti-caking agents or improper rinsing of the peppers. Use pickling salt, which is free from additives, and thoroughly rinse all ingredients before canning.
  • Soft or mushy peppers may result from overcooking or using old, overripe peppers. To maintain crispness, start with fresh, firm peppers and avoid boiling them before pickling. Adding a grape leaf or a small amount of alum to the jar can also help retain texture.
  • It's important to follow the canning directions.  Improperly canned foods can make you sick.  Learn about canning mistakes that can kill you for more information.
  • You will need essential canning supplies, including jars, rings and lids, a water bath canner, and a jar lifter.  Here is my recommendation for canning supplies for beginners.

Pickled Banana Peppers Canning Ingredients

How to Make The Best Pickled Banana Peppers

Step #1

Combine water, salt, and sugar in a saucepan.  Heat over medium heat and stir until the salt and sugar are dissolved.  When the water boils, add the vinegar and heat for a minute.  Turn off the heat.

Step #2

Wash and prepare your jars and water bath canner.  You can do this while waiting for the liquid to heat up.

Step #3  

Divide the spices between three pint jars.  Fill the jars with sliced banana peppers.  Shake the jars to help the peppers gently to make them more compact.  Place sliced garlic in the jars.  

Step #4

Pour the hot brine over the peppers and spices, leaving a 1/2 inch headspace.  Use a bubble popper or butter knife to remove bubbles.  Wipe the rim and add lids and rings.

Step #5

Process pints for 10 minutes for 0-1000 feet, 15 minutes for 1,001 t0 6000 feet, and 20 minutes if you are above 6,000 feet.  

When the time is up, turn off the heat and open the lid to the canner.  Let rest for 5 minutes.  Use a jar lifter to remove the jars and place on a heat proof surface.  Let sit undisturbed until completely cool or about 24 hours.  Test the seals.  Refrigerate any jars that did not seal.  Remove the bands from sealed jars and store in a cool, dark location for up to 1 year.  

This makes 3 8-ounce jars of canned pickled banana peppers.  You can make more brine as needed to fill more jars.

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